Blogging Tips for Beginner Bloggers when Writing a Blog Post


The best blogging tips useful for beginners who want to become a blogger. Becoming a blogger is easy. You just need to create a blog in WordPress or Blogger, name your blog title and start creating your post. But, to become a good or professional blogger is another story to tell.

The following are the blogging tips you can use to make your blogging career more successful and enjoyable. These are just the blogging tips or tricks available on the internet from other blogs. I added some tips to make this post more interesting.


Assuming you already created your very first own blog. You named your blog whatever you want. The question is “why do you blog?”. Knowing the reasons why do you blog can increase your enthusiasm in blogging.

Blogging Tips to Increase Your Enthusiasm

Other bloggers are interested and excited to blog in just few months. After awhile, they leave their blog and forget about it. To avoid that situation, you have to know the reasons why you blog.

Do you blog for money? Do you blog because you want to become famous? Do you blog because you want to tell your life story? Do you blog because you want to share your knowledge and skills? Do you blog because you want to give solutions to other people’s problems?

Other bloggers are blogging because they want to show to other people and brag about their blog. Other bloggers are blogging because they want to make their voice to be heard in certain subject. They want to share their opinions about the subjects they are interested in such as “global warming”, “politics”, “immigration policy”, and even “same-sex marriage”.

Blogging Tips: To increase your enthusiasm and interest in blogging, blog about the topic you are interested or passionate about.

Like in my case, I want to blog about “investing” and “personal finance”. I blog about it and it makes me happy when I shared some tips on how to save money, build wealth and get really rich.

Blogging Tips When Writing a Blog Post

When writing a blog post, you don’t need to be sound as if you’re the most intelligent in the world. You just need to be simple. A plain and simple English is fine as long as you can deliver what you would like to say.

When writing a blog post, try to understand that people are lazy to read long post. If you create a long blog post, you should make your post easy to read and easy to scan.

The use of subheadings and bullets can make your readers happy. Bullets and subheading will make your blog post easy to read and easy to scan. Besides, bullets and subheadings can make your blog post organized.

Also, you need to know how to create a good headlines when writing a blog post to grab the attention of other people. Creating a good headlines will only take less than a minute. See the tutorial on my blog post.

Even if you will write 5,000 words in your blog post, your readers will only stay in your blog in 3 or 5 minutes. So, decide whether you write lengthy post or short post. The goal in writing must not be how long or how short. The goal is to create a high quality post. The basis of a quality blog post is not how much word you put into it. What does really matter is if your blog post gives quick solutions to other people’s problem.

You can write a blog post that can solve “how to quit smoking” in 300 words. You can also write a quick solution on “how to lose weight” in 200 words. So, decide how many words you should include in your blog post.

You can read more blogging tips in this blog. Stay tuned or subscribe to newsletter to receive more good blogging tips and tricks.

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