The Average Blog Traffic Stats 2015


Here you can find the average blog traffic stats of Blog traffic source of this personal finance blog! The Total Investment blog is generating traffic via search engines and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. I am tracking the source of traffic of this blog. I am interested in knowing who is visiting my site. This blog was hosted at blogger and I am happy with it. Other blogs are from wordpress with web hosting paid.

Must read: How to Get Traffic to Your Blog


What I am going to discuss today is how I generate traffic to my personal finance blog, from what countries are my visitors came from, which browsers are they using and the operating system they are using when surfing the internet.

I am not an SEO expert, but I can assure you, the more useful content you write, the more chances your blog traffic will increase. What I am always doing is write more articles to get more blog traffic related to my niche – personal finance. If you are curious how to get traffic from rich countries like USA, Canada, Australia, Denmark, France and United Kingdom, just blog what you know, write general topic (example: healthy tips, parenting).

The Average Blog Traffic Stats for 2015

As you can see the largest percentage of my blog readers are came from United States of America, France and Denmark. The following are the statistics wherein I will show you which operating system and browsers my blog visitors are using.

The Average Blog Traffic Stats for 2015

Blog Traffic Source of InvestmentTotal.Com

Pageviews by Countries
Many of my blog visitors are came from United States, Canada, Australia, Denmark, France, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Ukraine, Germany, India, UAE United Arab Emirates, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and other parts of Africa. Well, it is because I wrote interesting topics – money! We all know money is one of the most searched keyword on the internet.

Pageviews by Browsers blog visitors are using browser such as 34% Firefox, 28% Chrome, 19% Internet Explorer, 8% Safari, 3% Mobile Safari, Opera 1%, 1% Maxthon, 1% OS FBSV, 1% Iron and 1% Dragon.

Pageviews by Operating System
Most of blog visitors are using windows and other visitors are Android, Macintosh, iPhone, iPad, Linux, Other Unix, Symbian/3, Textmode and Blackberry. It is wise decision that I change my blog template from professional look to simple responsive design. This simply means when my blog is on android phones, it will look great. My readers have notice the changes and asking me why. I just respond; “to make it more useful and convenient to my readers”.

Average Blog Traffic Stats

Search Engines as Blog Traffic Source

Generate Blog Traffic

Here I want to discuss how my blog generate traffic from search engines not only Google but other major search engines such as Yahoo and MSN. As you have notices, my blog is getting traffic from And this is an example, that’s why you are reading this page because your searching blog traffic source and want to know how I get traffic from different countries. Right? Now, if you want to do what I did, just follow this simple instructions on how to generate blog traffic from different countries via search engines.

All you need to do is write more articles, leave it alone. Don’t put any back link, don’t make a mess with your content. Just write naturally, do not care about SEO tricks. The secret trick is to write useful and informative content. When people read and noticed your content, they will share it to other people until it became viral. It’s your turn now, how about you? What is your average blog traffic stats as of year 2015? How do you generate blog traffic for your blog. Just use the comment box and share your awesome idea.

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