Bill Gates Biography, Quotes, Net Worth


Here’s Bill Gates Biography! Know who is Bill Gates. His biography, business, assets, net worth. Read Bill Gates quotable business and life  quotes. So do you really want to know the biography of the riches man in the world? What information can we share about Bill Gates aside from his address and birthday? You will know also his career, his net worth and some famous quotes. Bill Gates private jet is worth $45,000,000.00 Wow!

Bill Gates Biography

  • Name: William Henry “Bill” Gates III
  • Citizenship:USA (American)
  • Address: Seattle, Washington, United States
  • Birthday: October 28, 1955
  • Spouse: Melinda Gates
  • Children: Jennifer Katharine Gates, Rory John Gates, Phoebe Adele Gates
  • Career: Microsoft CEO
  • Net Worth: USD $79.3 Billion (1)

Bill Gates is not only a business owner, he is also a investor, inventor and computer programmer. According to Forbes.Com, Bill Gates has a net worth of seventy nine billion dollars. And his source of wealth is Microsoft. (2)

CC 2.0 by IsaacMao via Flickr – Bill Gates world’s most “spammed” person

Bill Gates on Forbes Lists

  • #6 Powerful People (2015)
  • #7 in 2014
  • #1 Forbes 400 (2015)
  • #1 Richest In Tech (2015)
  • The Richest Person In Every State (2015)
  • #1 Billionaires (2015)
  • #1 in United States

Bill Gates Quotes

“Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself.”
― Bill Gates

“I agree with people like Richard Dawkins that mankind felt the need for creation myths. Before we really began to understand disease and the weather and things like that, we sought false explanations for them. Now science has filled in some of the realm – not all – that religion used to fill.”
― Bill Gates

Source: 1 Bill Gates Quotes in Good Reads , 1, 2 Bill Gates Profile on Forbes

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