Beware of Online Business Opportunity Offered by Facebook Users


Do you make money from home based jobs offers or online business opportunity offered by many Facebook users? Please share your opinion after reading this article. Awhile ago, while I joined few groups in Facebook. I have noticed that there are no real interactions when I post on each group.

Do you know the reasons why? It is because everybody is promoting their stuff. I joined Facebook groups that most members are interesting in MLM, networking, work at home mom, and groups that offers online business opportunity.


My experience in using Facebook group is really cool. First, I joined many groups. Then I promote my offers to every groups. And no one visited my affiliate links, no sales made. It’s a complete waste of time.

I want to make money while I am using Facebook, do you have any idea? Sometime ago, that was 2011, I prefer to add as many friends in Facebook as I can. I have no choice in promoting my affiliate links rather than sharing it to my friends.

Most of my friends are pressing the “unfriend” button. They find my promotional links annoying. And what I did is simple. I tried, Facebook advertising but unfortunately Facebook didn’t accept my debit card when purchasing some advertising space.

I heard many people in YouTube that they are making serious money in Facebook, I don’t know how to do it. But one thing for sure, these people are selling something. They maybe selling their own products or affiliate products.

Tips and Warnings

If you are using Facebook now and someone offer a work from home jobs online, think about it. Some people in internet marketing and MLM business don’t explain well what they offer. They just post a picture and a luring offers. If I were you, investigate first the person who offer online business opportunity using Facebook and then search the company he is affiliated with if the company is legitimate or not.

Few minutes ago, while I am browsing Facebook news feed, someone offers me “jobs”. he said it was a ‘data entry jobs”, when I opened the link, it was just an eBook from ClickBank.

To all the readers of Investment Total, please be aware of many investment offers and business offers from Facebook users. If you experienced scams and frauds, please tell us so that we will make a review about the offers. Do not forget to leave a comment about many Facebook users who unethically promoting their business offers, the worst is they are promoting scam investment offers.

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