Beware of Email Phishing About Western Union MTCN


Just another email phishing talking about Western Union MTCN, money transfer control number. While I was checking my email messages, and expecting important emails, I found an interesting email message about the Western Union Cash transfer. I know why I became the next target of scammers and frauds. It is because few months ago, I posted an articles about international money transfer, and other topics about sending money like remittances. The scammers, are searching for the word money transfer and they will send email message to other people who they think they will become interested. The sender was not that smart, if he knew I am the one who is spreading or informing everyone about “email phishing” he should not include me in his email lists; his next targets.

What’s Western Union MTCN?

“Send money online with Western Union and Track a Transfer with the MTCN, or receive money at an Agent Location with your tracking number (MTCN) Money Transfer Control Number” Source:


Look how this man wants to receive US$2.5, wow that’s a lot of money, enough money to help me retire rich and comfortable. But, sad to say it’s just a message from unknown person.

I am very familiar with Western Union, I am sending and receiving cash. I love using Western Union service and even when I want to convert my dollar earnings to my local currency payout, I choose western union.

Image Credit: Johan Fatenberg on CC 2.0

A man like me can’t easily believe from other people offering rewards or benefits. It is because I am the one also who talk about how to spot the investment financial scam and how to spot the email phishing. As of today, I have several topics about the email phishing I received. If you are interested, here are they;

  • FBI Used in Email Phishing
  • Microsoft Sweepstakes Email Phishing
  • Toyota United Kingdom Used in Email Phishing

Going back to the topic, here’s another email phishing. This will inform you what to do and what not to do if you received this example of email messages.

Western Union MTCN Used in Email Phishing

Sender: Dr. Eden William


Send Money World Wide
From The Western Union Cash Transfer
Office address:No 455 paperbark,carer,rani
carefree,turbocharger,road Cotonou Benin)

Good Day To You Beneficiary,

This is to let you know that we finally concluded to effect your compensation winning prize payment of $2.5Million Dollars via western union transfer as the best and easy way to transfer your fund at any nearest western union office in your country, well based on my agreement with the western union management,

The amount will receiving every day is $5,000 dollars until your total amount of your fund is completely transferring to you, I want you to contact western union director for
your transfer his name is Mr Christian John

Contact western union director Mr Christian John via email

Your first Payment has been sent MTCN:#325-148-9783 Note: this payment was directed to be made available in your full information immediately you reconfirmed your full information as the following below

Your Full Name:……………………….
Your Home Address:…………………….
Your Country/ City:…………………..
Your Age:………………………………
Your Sex:…………………………….
Your Direct Phone Number:……………..
Your ID copy:……………………….
Your fund amount deposit in western union office is Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars,Remember to indicate the registration code of EB8053 to him when emailing him also he will be sending your money,

Remain Bless
Yours Sincerely
Dr Eden William
General Manager Office

If I will respond to this email, the sender a.k.a “DOCTOR” Dr. Eden William, will get my information and most of my information are linked to my bank accounts and online payment processors like PayPal, PayZa, SolidTrustPay, etc. Maybe his next thing to do is to get access with my online banking and online processors account. I am not that “crazy” to get lure with $2.5 Million. So, what can you say about this information? Do you think this is real? If you were me, will you going to respond to this type of email or informing Western Union about how other people used their “Company Name” in scams and fraudulent activities? I hope you liked this page, try to inform other people especially your friends.

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