Best Way to Prepare for an Interview: Top Tips for Success

Learn the best way to prepare for an interview with proven strategies that will help you stand out, ace your interview, and land your dream job.


Here are the best tips to be prepare in job interview. Learn to get a job easily using this proven and effective tips. Well, this career guide seems short but useful. Maybe it will only take 3 to 5 minutes to read it. In this article, you will going to learn some best interview preparation tips like what to wear, how to answer the question, how to speak, how to act (gestures) and another ways to pass the interview. Know the common mistakes during the interview, why applicants didn’t pass it and why applicants are easy for them to pass it. Are you trying hard to pass the job interview?

Well today, I will share to you some points to consider when applying a job especially when you are giving an appointment for an interview. This is the first article I have written in this blog

If you really want to pass the job interview, just follow the tips given in this article, and I can assure you, you will it as long as you are willing to follow this tips. Some people are easy for them to find a job, however, when it comes to the interview, they fail. 

Job Interview Preparation | Photo Credit: Ludovic Bertron

Tips for Job Interview

Are you one of these people who are seeking an employment but not passing the interview? Are you the one who ever dream to get a high paying job? Here’s the simple ways to make your dreams into reality especially when the manager is making an interview with you, please be prepared for it.

One of my article taught you on when and where to apply a job, today, you will going to learn some best job interview preparation, in this post you will going to learn something about how you should wear, and how you should behave in front of the interviewer, mostly the BOSS!


Interview Tips #1. Why Didn’t Pass – Common Mistakes

One of the common mistakes why some of the applicants didn’t get hired is because they are not well-prepared for the job interview, they are not knowledgeable about the process of interview, or the interview itself. We have the old saying “failure to prepare is preparing to fail”, it is very important to be prepared especially when you are applying your dream job. 

How to prepare yourself? No need to go to salon and hire a make up artist, or have a “hair rebond”, manicure and pedicure, you can do it all by yourself, and it only add point to the interviewer, the important is how you prepare your mind in this event.

Interview Tips #2. Professional Dress

A dress code should wear, dress as if you are a successful man. In order for you to get the attention of the interviewer is you should wear clothes that is professional, a business attire. Do not dress as if you are going to the market and buy a fish.  Make up your mind, you’re going to have a job interview and you will meet the big bosses! Look smart in your dress! 

Some formal dress doesn’t have to be expensive, you can wear a coat and tie, a leather shiny shoes, a nice watch, and of course, during the interview, do not forget to bring your own “pen and notebook”, why? It is because it adds impression because the interviewer may think you are an organized person. The interviewer will think about why you are bringing a “pen and note” in during the interview.

Interview Tips #3. Watch Your Gestures

You are wearing clothes as if you  are successful and smart, now act professional, behave well. Watch your posture, your gestures. Stand and seat like a real gentleman, smile like a real gentleman. But do not act as if you are a “soldier”, stomach in, chest out, it doesn’t work that way, just relax your shoulder, have a natural breathing, watch your language. Use appropriate language, when necessary try to add some humor, but not too much funny.

Interview Tips #4. Look -Out! What a Wonderful Face!

Yes, look out! LOOKS. How do you look like during the interview, for women a simple make up will help. Do not put lot of make up as if you are going to a dance party or in a fashion show, wear a too much red lip stick and you will look like a clown so the interviewer will laugh at you and you wonder why, haha. You are going to have a job interview not in a talk show. 

We have a conclusion about smiling, if you smile with a stranger, he think you want to make friend with him. The interviewer is a stranger, right? Then smile, it really add confidence and make you relax and comfortable during question and answer. The interviewer may think you are easy to be with.

Interview Tips #5. Review, Read and Learn More

After you have chosen the proper clothes and how do you look like, and you master the skills of behaving well, you should now read some things about the company, the owner, president, CEO, VIP’s, major shareholders (optional), history, its business, its products or services, its vision, mission, goal, everything about the company. Just search it online, and just spend some time reading and learn so that you are well prepared during the question and answer.

Update: While searching for the company online and you studied it well. Do not forget to memorize what you have written in your CV, most of the questions are based on what you have written in your resume.

Think about this, what’s the sense of beauty, of your dress, of your nice postures and gestures if you don’t know how to answer the questions during the interview? Got it? Be smart, gave the interviewer an specific answer, if the question need a short answer, say for example, “yes or no” just answer Yes or No. And if the question need an explanation, do not hesitate to add more in your answers, but be specific and confident enough to prove what you’re saying.

In summary, here are the tips on how to prepare yourself in any job interview;

1. Learn from the common mistakes. 
2. Have a professional dress, or what we call it “business attire”.
3. Watch your gestures, act smartly.
4. Do not forget to smile, it removes nervous.
5. Do not forget to review, read and learn the “company profile”.

Hey, be part of our discussion in this blog, how to get job easily, post a comment, share your advice and experience and ask some questions. Thank you so much.

Most of All. Be Financially Literate!

Some useful guides in this blog, do not forget to be financially literate, to spend your money wisely, to save and invest your hard earned money is a wise decision. “Pay yourself first” when receiving not only your first salary but anytime you get paid, by investing some amount for your future. Imagine how hard to get a job and earn money! But it is easy for you to waste your hard-earned money. It’s time to save and invest money for your future. Remember, sooner or later, you are old enough and not capable to work anymore. At least when you invested your money, when you’re old, you have the money to work for you.

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