Best Investment Club Online on Facebook Group


If you’re looking for the best investment club online, you’re in the right place. If you’re looking a personal finance and investment club online, join what I found. The investment club online has many members around five thousand people and most of them are financial experts. I love to ask personal finance and investing in the group because other members will be glad to answer your queries.

As of September 17, 2015. The Investing and Personal Finance Club on Facebook has 5,355 members. I am not an active Facebook user but when I found this Facebook group, I become active and always sharing updates and always asking questions about stock market investing, what stocks to buy, mutual funds.


Other members are writers from popular finance websites. Other members are also sharing their new blog post in this Facebook group.

Best Investment Club Online with Interactions from Members

Another thing I have noticed is that, there are interactions from every members of the group. Compare to other Facebook groups especially if the group is about “make money online” stuff, members are too busy promoting their stuffs without minding what’s the latest post on the group.

Sometimes, it is very disappointing when you see some members who aggressively posting affiliate links. In Investing and Personal Finance Club Facebook group, you will really learn how to invest money by just asking questions to other group members.

Update: If you join the group and post your something about investing money, saving, det, retirement planning and personal finance, make sure you create a hashtags on each of your post. Robert Farrington suggest something about this;

Hashtags: One of the things I love about this group is how active it is with lot’s of people contributing content and answering questions. The bad part is, it makes it hard to find stuff sometimes.

To make it easier to find content/help others/keep organized, please hashtag all posts at the beginning (the following are just suggestions):


The benefit of this is that hashtags are also searchable in the search box for the group (top right below the logo). Just enter the hashtag and any posts tagged with it will come up.

Are you looking for this kind of group that can help and guide you how to invest money? Then, it’s time to join Investing and Personal Finance Club on Facebook now.

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