7 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Girlfriend


Looking for the best Christmas gifts for your girlfriend? It’s Christmas time, ask yourself “what are the good Christmas gifts for my girlfriend?”.Some Christmas gifts ideas you can give your girlfriend this December 25th will reveal here at InvestmentTotal. If you want to surprise your girlfriend this Christmas, try to give her the best and the most especial gift you can buy, literally a gift shouldn’t be expensive. But it is up to you if you want to spend a lot of money, but, as the old saying goes “it is the thought that counts”.

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If you want to make your girlfriend be proud of you, just give what she is asking for. In general, girls like to treat so special, they want to treat like a princess or queen. They like to be treated as if they are the only girl in this world, if you can do that, no gift can beat the way you treat her.

But of course, a gift has meaning especially during occasions such as Christmas, Birthday, anniversary or even a thank you gift. Girls love gifts, but what kind of gifts? If you really know your girlfriend well, chances are you can choose what kind of gift you can give to her, if your girlfriend don’t live sweets, of course don’t gave her sweet chocolates, if she hates flowers don’t give her flowers. Know what she like and what are the things she really love – that’s your assignment.

Best Christmas Gifts for Your Girlfriend

Here are the ideal Christmas gifts you can give to your girlfriend, make sure you give this gift generously from the bottom of your heart, do not give her a gift just to make impressions, hey, that way she will never appreciate your gift, just be natural, give what you want to give that you think you make her so happy.

1. Jewelries (necklace, wrist watch, rings, bracelet, hearings) – give your girlfriend a jewelries, buy a gold with high karat, try to make a great move this Christmas day, she will love it. Girls love jewelries, it is a part of their femininity. If you have extra money, try to buy a diamond ring for her and give her on December 24 at 11:59 pm.

2. Flowers and Cakes – girls love to eat cakes and they love to receive flowers, a dozen of red roses means a lot. Try to go to your girlfriends house and meet their parents with confidence, make sure you know how to deal with her parents, how to act and talk like a gentleman.

3. Christmas Card – do not buy a Christmas card, it doesn’t mean you are cheap if you can make a ready made

Christmas card, here are the materials; Oslo Paper, Bond Paper, Water Color and Ball Pen
•Just fold the oslo or special paper and paint a Christmas season or anything that is related to Christmas, the painting is just a background.
•Write your Christmas message in the folded special paper. Try to be unique, don’t just say “Merry Christmas”, try to implement or write a Thank You message because last Christmas she is with you now until this today.
•Make an envelope and put your card.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money, it will cost only about $5 to make a Christmas card. Give the Christmas card personally, if you want to make it surprisingly, just put funny pictures of you and your girlfriend and put annotations in the pictures.

4. Joint Savings Account – if you want to make your girlfriend love you more not only this Christmas, try to open a joint savings account. She will think you are serious to deal with her not only emotional but also financially. Only few men are doing this, so, make a great move to make a great impressions to your girlfriend and to her parents.

5. Joint Investment Account – and the best thing is, impress your girlfriend this Christmas by opening a join investment account, if you are in the USA, try to open a fidelity mutual fund account. It will make her heart beats faster because she know you’re money smart and she will think you are seriously dealing on how to give her a great future. Is this a good advice? Among the Christmas gifts mentioned, this is the best gift you can give to your girlfriend.

6. Christmas Vacation in Paris – girls love to go to Paris, try to buy a ticket plane to Paris and surprise her. Make sure tell your plan 2 weeks before Christmas, hey, beware, she will expect a wedding proposal, bring your diamond ring anyway.

7. Christmas Vacation in New York City – during December one of the best tourist destination in USA is New York City. Treat her in a fine dining restaurant, walk along the streets, or watch the Christmas countdown and make a “warm KISS”. How sweet and romantic if you can do this. After Christmas Day; you may want to experience romantic New Year’s Eve NYC for its fun, surprises, parties, New Year’s Eve events and excitements.

Hey, if you think your girlfriend, try to give your Father and Mother a special gift this Christmas day;
Know what are the ideal gifts for your mother and father now;

  • 7 Best Christmas Gifts Can Present to Your Father
  • 5 Best Christmas Gifts for Mother

Do not forget Christmas is a season of sharing, giving, loving and caring. Do not focus your attention to your girlfriend, focus your attention to other people who are in need. Why not ask your girlfriend to go in the charity and spend some time with some unfortunate people. I think it would be a great deal, right?

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