Available Videos to Upload in YouTube Channel Soon


I am planning to create videos to upload in YouTube channel soon exclusively for readers. Hey there, I am planning to upload tutorial videos on YouTube. I know is the best video sites. Actually I uploaded few videos on YouTube but I only got few views. I want to have million views! I need million views for my YouTube videos badly!

The things you can watch on YouTube channel are usually tutorial videos not just related to personal finance and investing. I will create personal videos sharing my point of views about the important issues and concerns.


I am planning to upload my first YouTube video on the first week of June 2016 and I will keep on sharing videos every weekends. There are many YouTube users who are hungry for information.

Available Videos to Upload in YouTube Channel Soon

Actually this blog is not active on social profiles. I just set up an automatic sharing on facebook page using plugins. On my twitter, facebook and linkedIn account, I already create a page for this blog including the page on google plus.

Several Benefits in Uploading YouTube Videos

There are several benefits in uploading YouTube videos;

  • To reach more people to read
  • To teach other people on how to do or fix something

Last 2013, I upload some videos to YouTube but they are not attracting more views. Maybe because, the videos are not in high quality. I learned that if you want people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, you need to create a high quality video.

So, I need to use high end digital cameras and some lighting whenever I am creating videos. Some expert vloggers, said, creating a video for youtube doesn’t to be expensive. Experts says we can buy cheap digital cameras and cheap lighting tools. For as low as $200? Yes!

From blogger to vlogger? Blogger are writing articles and vlogger are capturing videos and share their videos on different video sites like YouTube and Daily Motion. Wish me good luck to this plan!

My first videos to upload in YouTube channel will be available this year. Stay tune! I hope you will subscribe to youtube channel once it is already created. My first youtube video should announce here.

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