Blog Readership Statistics – Readers from USA and Canada

ADVERTISEMENT’s 2015 Blog Readership Statistics: Canadians are Interested in Saving Money Through Investing in Bonds. Americans are interested more in stocks (based on my blog data visitors stats)

Well, I have to announced to you that this blog has many readers from USA (Americans) and from Canada (Canadians). In North America, people are aware and well informed about personal finance and investing. if you are following this blog [ – Online Stock Trading], you will be more familiar on what this blog is all about.


Today, I will write discuss on what specific terms do Americans and Canadian search for and the reasons why they (hmm, cough) love

Blog Readership Statistics – Readers from USA are Interested in Stock Market Investing

What do Americans searching in Google, Yahoo or MSN and landed on this blog. It will be more interesting if I will write some of the things that most Americans are searching for or looking for and here they are;

how to invest money in the stock market – the term or phrase “how to invest money” are used many times in this blog, since this blog has series of topics related to investing money filed under “investing for beginners”.

Stock Market Today – yes that’s would be normal, because Americans are looking for some stock market updates or news about NYSE, NASDAQ, S&P500;, Yahoo Stock, Apple Inc. Stock, MCcDonalds, Caterpillar, Amazon, WalMart Store, etc. Many of Americans who read this blog are investors and one of the most “search word” they used is “best stocks to buy and hold forever”.

I have a guide on that topic, a simple but practical guide written in few hundred words. It is easy to understand and most of all, the idea is based on some investor’s experiences.

Some Important Details: Most of my visitors from USA are came from Nevada, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and California. Their age are ranging from 25 years old to 55 years old. Most of them are men. 

Blog Readership Statistics: Canadians Visited “Canada Savings Bond” Page

And here are some of the most visited pages in this blog where the audience are Canadians (of course from Canada). The lists are some, but most these topics are also related to “investing”.

Drum roll please. The best pages we have is Canada Savings Bond – well, a friend of mine, a Canadian blogger talks about it, he tell me how he invest his money and how he allocated his investment assets. My Canadian visitors are specifically from Alberta, Quebec and Vancouver.

This information is not to brag you. I just want to share the goodness and benefits of being a financial literate person. If all citizens in a particular country are “financially literate”, the country will become more stronger and will get a strong and stable economy. As the old saying goes “the citizens are the country’s best assets”.

What do you think? Do you have any ideas why do Americans and Canadians are interested in this personal finance blog with online stock trading topics? For my fellow blogger, please suggest some ideas on how to get traffic from USA and Canada? Did you learned something new to my blog readership statistics? Please do share your opinions using the comment box. Thank you!

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