Quote of the Day: A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)


Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said that a goal without a plan is just a wish. This will be our quote of the day and this words of wisdom can be related to investing, personal finance goal, business and even for your personal life goals. We have different goals in life. Some of our goals might be about health, money, career or achievements.

Learn how to set life’s goals. It is vital to your success. Without a goal, you can never go anywhere. In Daily Investing Tips at, we already gave you a guide on how to set goals the SMART way. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. To make your goal SMART, you need to ask these questions.


As our reminders since this blog was started, we always encourage our readers to set their own financial goals before investing money. On that goal, it should be clear how much money you can attain out of investing money and when (investment horizon) do you able to acquire that amount.

Quote of the Day: A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Today, let Daily Investing Tips reminds you about your financial goals and investment goals. What are your goals? Do you think creating or setting financial and investment goal alone can help you achieve financial freedom?

To make this quotation from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry as our quote of the day clear, let us define what is the meaning of goal. Or let’s just take some another word for “goal”. A “GOAL” is also considered as objective, aim, purpose, end, target, object, aspiration and ambition.

You can never become what you want to be unless you have a plan on how you want to be. You can easily achieve your investment goal if you know how and where and when can you achieve that goal. By asking yourself how, when and where can be your guide in creating a plan.

Image Credit: Paul Langlois via Flickr CC 2.0 ~ A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish

A Plan without Action is Useless!

But of course, a plan alone is not good. Plan without action is useless. Just like the goal without a plan. Therefore, the author is absolutely true when he said “a goal without a plan is just a wish”. Let’s add some version, if he said “a goal without a plan is just a wish”, we may say that “a plan without action is also a wish”.

Stay tuned to Daily Investing Tips for more quotes of the day related to investment and personal finance. Now you were reminded by your goals, did you took action already or you are still in procrastination? Leave a comment below!

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