8 Great Things to Do on New Year 2018 – 365 Days


Here are the 8 great things to do on 2015, the all-year round foolishness. I have so many things to do, but I can’t help to share this to you. Friends and readers, happy new year! I wish you were here sharing some best tasting wine for your 2014 victory. I hope for your continual successes especially financial success, to make that happen, avoid this examples of foolishness.

Work Hard, Play Hard – you are working very hard, playing life very hard. You are too serious on becoming rich but you forget other important things such as your health, relationship to your family, God and community. Relax, there is a time for everything! Find out how to make your money work for you.


Thinking All Over Again – if you are one of those people who always thinking and analyzing if “stocks and mutual funds” will work or not, stop! Stop thinking, take action. You’ll never know stocks and mutual funds unless you have tried them. Take extra risk. You will never make a profit from just thinking and analyzing.

Unbalance the Balanced – don’t make a mess with your finances. Keep on managing your money.

Make Friends with Fools – as the old saying goes “bad companions will ruin good characters”. You should get rid from those people who has no ambition at all, or the worst belittle your ambitions. They laugh at you because they think you won’t get rich. Forget other people, focus on your family and financial goal, get rich anyway.

Invest Like Crazy – do not invest like crazy, keep on learning how to allocate your assets every year. Learn how to manage your finances, if you have money to invest, you should have money for other important matters such as Church tithing, money for recreations (example: dating with your wife, food trip, travel with your kids, etc.)

Must Read: Asset Allocation for Investors Age 30

Wasting Your Precious Time – do not waste your precious time. An example of wasting your precious time is delaying your investments. Until now, you didn’t open an investment account for your future.

Stagnant, Lazy Learner – you think you know everything. You don’t have the plan to learn new things. You think you’re genius but when you see your financial situation, you can say you’re a broke genius. Learn financial literacy, entrepreneurship, attend seminars or consult with a certified financial planner.

Wait and See – Waiting for Nothing – if your philosophy is “if you invest I will invest”, forget investing. You will never succeed financially if you are just relying your decision to someone else. Take charge of your financial future beginning today. Do not wait for nothing, take action now. Then choose which is working and which is not. Do not be afraid to fail, you will never realize how successful you are if you didn’t experienced failures and frustrations.

To make 2015 a success, here’s the short reminders. Working hard is necessary to achieve success. What’s the use of working hard if you lose your health? Got it? You better work hard to earn money, to make a good living or to have an investment capital. But, make sure you are also working hard to earn good health. Will you work hard for money and your money will only be use to pay for hospital bills because after few months of 12 hours working you found out you acquired “disease”, maybe due to lack of sleep, due to stress, no rest, etc.

Great Things to Do – Make New Year a Success

To make new year a success, do not doubt INVESTING is the key to grow your money overtime. On new year, choose the best stocks to buy, or the best mutual fund companies to invest in. Increase your monthly investment on new year will be one of the best smart moves.

To make new year a success, balance your life together with your finances and relationship to God, family and other people. Keep on learning money management, attend financial literacy seminar. Do not forget to attend the Church worship service twice or thrice a week. Date your wife/husband every month. Play with your kids every morning.

Talk to your family about personal finance every Saturday. That way, all things in your life are in “balance”. Would you want to become a millionaire but your loved ones hate you because you don’t have time for them? I think NO! I would surely choose to become a millionaire and at the same time happy with my family, friends and I have a quality time for our Almighty God.

Found 3 Related Posts, Read It!

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To make 2015 a success. Do not invest like crazy. What does it mean? Review your insurance, your emergency funds and invest only the required amount per month to acquire your target earning asset. When you have your target earning assets, you may now retire rich and comfortable.

Manage your finances, review your budget and spending plan. Do not invest as if there’s no other thing to consider. Try to learn how to invest for your future while enjoying your present life.

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