7 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Father

Looking for the best Christmas gifts for your father? Example of Christmas present for your dad, I know you really love your dad so much! Here are the ideal Christmas gifts for your father, just another money or love discussion in InvestmentTotal, there are different ways to show your love and care to your dad, but sometimes your efforts won’t that be well appreciated. This Christmas day, if you want to make your father to become proud of you, here’s what to do.

Thank your Dad – a simple gratitude Christmas present card, write in the Christmas card how great to have a dad like him. Thank him for everything, for his support, for his love and for his love to your mother.

Promise your Dad – promise him to do your very best to achieve your goal, to achieve your dreams, if you succeed he will become glad and he will be very proud of you.

Change Yourself – if you have a lot of mistakes that him him mad, try to change your attitude, beginning by admitting your mistakes and say “sorry”, please mean it when you’re saying sorry to your dad.

Big Hug and Kisses for Dad – give him a warm hug and kisses in his forehead and eyes. How lovely you can be to your dad if you will do that. Hug and kisses means a lot especially to your parents.

Now, after you have done the things mentioned above, give your Christmas gift. When you are giving your gift, do not forget to say “I LOVE YOU DAD”, that’s the great Christmas message you can say to your father.

Best Christmas Gifts for Your Father

Here are the ideal Christmas present you can give to your Dad. I hope you appreciate these ideas, just choose one, make it presentable and give your dad a big surprise this Christmas day.

1. A Rolex Watch – how much is a Rolex watch? It will only cost you some thousand dollars. He will really appreciate watch, if you can’t afford rolex, a simple wrist watch will also works.

2. Business Attire – try to buy your dad a complete package of business attire, from tie, coat, long sleeves, pants, shiny shoes and socks. He will love it. If your dad is not a business minded person, try to buy him a simple clothes, or a jogging pants so that he can use it for his daily exercise.

3. A Wine – red wine, champaigne, or other types of wine, he will love it. However, the memories will only last for an hour, try to buy a things that he will use in long period of time.

4. Your Mama’s Photo – oh my, he will surely love it. Try to search a old photo of your mom, a photo that represents the beauty of your mother when she is still young. Your dad will love it, it will refresh the good memories when your parents are both young. Hey, do not forget the photo frame, try to make it presentable.

5. A Cash Gift for Your Dad – try to give him an extra $5,000, he will surely love it. Of course, if you will give your dad, give your mom also a Christmas gifts, if you have no extra cash for your mom, try these Christmas gifts for mother.

The Best Christmas Gifts for Your Father is Money and Time

6. Open an Investment Account – try to open an investment account for both of your father and mother this coming Christmas day, your father will surely love it because your parents can make extra money after Christmas because these investment will make the money work for your parents, another passive income for your parents. Great ideas, agree?

If you have no ideas, where to open an investment account, try to read the guide about the different types of investments today.

7. Your Precious Time – show your love and care to your father this Christmas day by spending a valuable time with him. Go to the mall, shop with him, or if you have no extra money, try to prepare a Christmas meals with him, a simple barbecue and wine while discussing important matters will be appreciated.

In other InvestmentTotal topic, I try to post the ideal gifts for your wife or husband, girlfriends or boyfriends, bestfriends, co-workers, teachers or business partners. So, stay tuned. Thanks! After Christmas Day; you may want to experience New Year’s Eve NYC for its fun, surprises, parties, New Year’s Eve events and excitements.

This topic is just another money or love discussion, wherein, we are proving that money and love are both important.

Example, you are in a very far away place, your Dad is in New York while you are living in California, if you love your father and want to spend the Christmas day with him but you have no money to use for your trip or travel fare, what would you feel? Now you know, both love and money are important. Believe me, the best Christmas gifts for your father is your time!

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