Ask Financial Experts (Money Q & A)

Your opportunity to ask financial experts! Most of these financial experts are registered financial planner. It is quiet difficult to become a registered financial planner because you will study finances and different financial products, you should become familiar on these different products and how they works.

Most of the readers are asking the author/blogger about investing, but some of their questions are not easy to answer, first because I have less experience about finances. I believe if someone don’t know about the things he is interesting with, he should ask questions not to anyone but ask questions only to those financial experts.

Asking doesn’t mean ignorance, actually it promotes “knowledge”. An additional knowledge for you and for the one you’re asking with. When it comes to money, you should ask the very important thing, how to become financially free as soon as possible. One of the greatest achievement of man is to become financially free, to become happy and rich.

Ask Financial Experts a Financial & Investing Advice

Money will give you freedom and enjoy the life you rightfully deserve, therefore, you should ask the following;

1. How to make a lot of money?
Millions of pesos maybe your desired annual income, however, you don’t know how to do it. That’s why, asking is important. How come you make millions if you think only thousands.

2. How to manage your money well?
Rich people are great money manager, they manage their money well. If you can’t manage 10 pesos, you can’t manage 100’s, 1,000 and even 1,000,000 pesos. It’s time to learn how to manage small amount of money, so that, when time comes, when you have a lot, then it’s easy for you how to manage massive amount of money. Read how to manage money properly today.

3. Is it good to save or to invest?
Saving is just a part of financial literacy, but you can’t make your money grow by just saving. Invest it. There are guides in about investing in mutual funds, unit investment trust funds and even investing in the stock market. Some guide written in this blog are the following;


4. How much money you should have to consider wealthy?
If you have P1,000,000 doesn’t mean you are financially free. P2,000,000, P10,000,000, it always depends especially when you have debt, therefore, you should know your TEA-target earning asset. You can easily compute your target earning asset during your retirement today.

Do you have questions about how to manage your money? Let us ask the financial experts here, by posting your questions on the comment box, someone will going to answer your questions, what are the things you can ask so that you will have an idea.

Simple questions about finances, investing money, the right way to save money, how to budget money, how to spend money wisely,  about mutual funds, bonds, stock markets, banks and interest rates, mutual funds performances, how to make your money grow, how to beat inflation and other terms about financial education.

I hope this page would become helpful for my readers, i suggest to please spread this page so that we will going to share our knowledge and skills about financial management.

Ask Financial Epxerts: Follow these Rules

Please follow the rules given in this page, we have to follow this rules and regulations strictly, what are these rules? Please post or ask only about finances here, how to become rich, how to succeed in business or post other income generating opportunities that you know.

You can provide your links, referral links, affiliate links are welcome as long as it is a legal way to earn money. Please be polite and be specific in your answer to whatever financial questions here, share your experience on how you obtain wealth, how you started investing, what are your financial goals etc.

Ask Financial Experts Now

I entitled this page as “Ask Financial Experts (Money Q & A)”, it simply means, you have to be an expert or financial coach or adviser and lot of experiences in managing money for you to answer different questions here, for the benefits of the readers.

Related: What is Financial Literacy and Why It is Important?

We don’t want copy paste here, just answer the question with your own opinion. Please provide proper resources as a respect to the author, owner or acknowledgement to the business or company. Thank you for your cooperation. Now ask financial experts and get more financial knowledge.

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