Apple Store Locations in New York, USA

List of Apple store locations in New York USA. New York City is one of the most populated cities in USA, it is impossible that there are only few Apple Stores in New York. Apple stores locations/addresses and phone numbers will publish in this page. For other Apple stores located in USA, please refer to the official website of the company.

There are seventeen (17) Apple store branch located in New York, USA. 4 stores in New York located in Fifth Avenue, Grand Central, Soho and Upper West Side New York. Other stores are located in Crossgates Albany, Walden Galleria in Buffalo, Roosevelt Field in Garden City, Walt Whitman in Huntington Station, Smith Haven Apple Store in Lake Grover, Manhasset, Nanuet, Staten Island, Syracause, Eastview in Victor New York, The Westchester in White Plains and Ridge Hill in Yonkers New York, USA.

Apple Stores Locations in New York, USA

Address: 1 Crossgates Mall Road Albany, NY 12203
Phone Numer: (518) 389-0140

Walden Galleria
Address: G116 Walden Galleria, Buffalo, NY 14225
Phone Number: (716) 706-2000

Roosevelt Field
Address: 630 Old Country Road, Garden City, NY 11530
Phone Number: (516) 248-3347

Walt Whitman
Address: 160 Walt Whitman Road, Huntington Station, NY 11746
Phone Numer: (631) 760-0160

Smith Haven
Address: 518 Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY 11755
Phone Numer: (631) 982-2500

Address: 1900 Northern Boulevard, Manhasset, NY 11030
Phone Numer: (516) 734-2420

Address: 8115 Fashion Drive, Nanuet, NY 10954
Phone Numer: (845) 215-6980

Fifth Avenue
Address: 767 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10153
Phone Numer: (212) 336-1440

Grand Central
Address: 45 Grand Central Terminal, New York, NY 10017
Phone Numer: (212) 284-1800

Address: 103 Prince Street, New York, NY 10012
Phone Numer: (212) 226-3126

Upper West Side
Address: 1981 Broadway, New York, NY 10023
Phone Numer: (212) 209-3400

West 14th Street
Address: 401 W 14th Street, New York, NY 10014
Phone Numer: (212) 444-3400

Staten Island
Address: 2655 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone Numer: (718) 568-2230

Address: 1 Destiny USA Drive, Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone Numer: (315) 233-5920

Address: 7979 Pittsford-Victor Road, Victor, NY 14564
Phone Numer: (585) 421-6070

The Westchester
Address: 125 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601
Phone Numer: (914) 539-4530

Ridge Hill
Address: 143 Market Street, Yonkers, NY 10710
Phone Numer: (914) 620-0965


For more information, please visit If you found wrong address or phone numbers of each Apple store locations in New York, USA, please share the correct phone number and address (exact location) using the comment box.

Disclaimer: This is for informational purpose only. is not affiliated with Apple, Inc. The “Apple” trademark is owned by Apple, Inc. Proper credit to the photo was properly given and the source of the data mentioned was properly cited.

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