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Visitors Interest

It is important for you to know the visitors’ interests and the reasons why they are visiting this blog. Most visitors are interested in investing money, business (starting a business online and traditional), blogging for money, insurance and personal finance. They want to know how to save money, budget money and spend their money wisely.

Where they Came from?

According to my blog statistics, most of my readers and visitors are from United States of America, Australia, Singapore, Canada and United Kingdom

Gender and Age

According to my blog statistics, 70% are female and 30% are male. Their age is from 25 to 35 years old.

How Did they Found my Blog?

I am not active in social media sites. I prefer to drive traffic via search engines. This blog has lots of pages that are ranked #1 in search engine results page. As an example, if anyone want to know “how to invest money for beginners” or “how to start investing in the stock market”, and search it on Google, the article written here is on the top of search engine results page.

So, if you have a business that you would like to advertise in this blog. Here are your options;

advertise in investing business personal finance blog-min

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* Are there any text size requirements? 700 WORDS
* Will there be a dofollow link? YES, maximum of 3 Links
* What payment method do you accept? PAYPAL
* Do you have any other sites to publish on? NO

Payment method is through PayPal, Remittances or Bank Deposits

If you want to take some advertising spot, send me an email message at

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