3 Super Fun and Awesome Stock Market Gifts

Do you have a friend who is a trader? Long gone are the days where being a trader involved going to a stock exchange and shouting down the phone in a hall, but that doesn’t mean the job is no longer exciting or that traders no longer have the energy and enthusiasm of the traders in the pre-digital age.

In fact, there are many stock market gifts they will really appreciate and that reflect their personality.Here are 3 gifts for stock traders and an explanation of how to buy stock as a gift for your friends.

1. Buying Stock Itself

The best gift for stock traders or gifts for investors is surely stocks themselves. But if you are not
from the financial world, how do you go about buying stocks for someone? First, be sure to do some reading and get some advice about what stocks are hot right now.

There’s no point investing in something that loses value in a few weeks time. The next step is either to find a stockbroker who can purchase the stock for your friend and then transfer it across or purchase the stock yourself on a trading app such as E* trade. You can now purchase stocks directly from your bank account on fintech apps like Revolut. Be careful to avoid stocks targeted by high-frequency traders.

2. Office Chair

Traders spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Often traders have multiple monitors and
quite a huge set up requiring a workspace and a desk. It is important then that your trader friend
or loved one has the correct chair to sit on.

It is worth spending the money on a comfy chair that can be adjusted to sit on. Find out how tall
they are and then establish what type of material they like.

3. A Treadmill

Although it is good to have a comfy chair, you also don’t want your friend or loved one to get fat
whilst they are sat at home trading. A treadmill can give traders the energy to make the fast
passed decisions they need to when their trading and also help them stay fit.

With a pair of wireless headphones, your trader friend can listen to music, make phone calls and
dictate their trades whilst on the treadmill, creating the perfect atmosphere for them to make
some serious money. This is one of the best stock market gifts you can buy.

Image Credit: Businessman checking stock market online by Rawpixel Ltd via Flickr CC 2.0

Image Credit: Businessman checking stock market online by Rawpixel Ltd via Flickr CC 2.0

Stock Market Gifts: Buy Gifts To Make Their Trading Routine A Breeze

If you want to buy stock market gifts for your trader friends, then be sure to get them something
that is going to make their life easier. It is easy to get into an unhealthy lifestyle whilst sat in front
of the computer all day, so you could consider buying them a treadmill.

But at the same time if they are sitting down, they are going to want to be comfortable for some
hours of the day, so an expensive leather chair might be another option to consider.
If you want to read more about investing tips, be sure to check out our website for more.

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