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Ways to Show Love to the Environment

Do you know how to show love to the environment? Do you really care? Do you protect the environment everyday? Do you know that your actions can lead to environmental destruction, let’s find out how.  All living creatures are equal, the birds and other animals has the rights to live fully. The trees will take care of you if you will take care of them, too. My love to the environment is endless. As a blogger, I can’t stop myself to keep on writing useful articles that really matters in life, you may say is about “money”. Not it’s not just about money. it’s everything!

According to Mohandas K. Gandhi, “There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.” So, if you’re making money by abusing the environment, you better stop, otherwise, the world and all living creatures will be in danger!

What’s benefits you can get if you will start taking care of the environment? First, you will live in a comfortable atmosphere, second, you can eat fresh foods, you can breathe in a fresh air, you can drink clean water and most of all, your children will live in an awesome world. Think about this, if you will show love to every living creatures, the harmony in this world be great.

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12 Ways to Show Love to the Environment

  1. Be contented on your clothes. Don’t buy the things you don’t need. Excessive buying of things can be just a waste.
  2. Use tissues in moderate ways.
  3. Do not waste paper. Recycle the used ones.
  4. Use paper bags instead of plastic bags
  5. Plant trees
  6. Help clean the environment by community services.
  7. Don’t cut trees.
  8. Avoid throwing garbage on seas and rivers.
  9. Don’t kill animals, they have lives, too.
  10. Unplug sometimes.
  11. Conserve energy and water.
  12. Help teach kids to protect the environment. Be a environment activist.
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Discipline yourself in throwing garbage anywhere. As I have said awhile ago, all living creatures are equal. We have the same rights to live in this world. So, don’t abused tress, don’t abused clean waters, don’t abuse all natural resources.

There are so many ways to show love to the environment. The given are just few of those environmental protection acts. Please share this with your friends and loved ones. Do not forget to leave a comment below!

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